The Alchemy of Being

Write yourself into greater existence through Embodied Storytelling

Self-help, NLP, affirmations, self-hypnosis, and any personal development techniques are all only as effective as the “self” that is using them.

You’re here because you’re seeking something important: you want relief from your pain, you want to feel better. You want a life that is energized, joyous, connected, loving, and empowered.

I have good news for you. It’s possible. And things can get easier. All it takes is better Self knowledge.

If you are still not where you want to be in life, it's very simply because you have blind spots. Your perception is not as expanded as it can be. Your insight, or inner sight, must grow.

If your affirmations aren’t working, if the books you are reading are only creating temporary fixes, if you keep falling back into old patterns, it is because these blind spots in your life are causing you to stumble. 

“You can’t know where you’re going until you know where you are.”

So, I am here to help you awaken to your fullest and most conscious Self. 

More good news. There are patterns. 

The ancient stories, healing practices, and myths contain symbolic maps to the unconscious that contain the power to activate us on a deep level. It is this that gave birth to modern psychology. Not the other way around. 

We will use these maps and patterns to your advantage to rapidly expand your vision, transform your unconscious mind, and quickly break out of old ways of being.

Where you are now is in the middle of your own personal epic. It is still being written.

This is the part of the story where you wake up to your true identity. 

The ancient method of transformation is the dialogue—the dialectic. In such a dialogue there is an alchemical process of self-revelation—the darkness of ignorance is turned into the light of wisdom. Lead is turned into Gold. 

This dialogue allows you to write yourself a new story—to literally rewrite who you are.

We still have remnants of this idea in modern psychology, which has “talk-therapy” , or “CBT”, cognitive behavioral therapy. But like much of modern western medicine,  it has lost its roots, and with it, much of its usefulness. 

Work with me and you will discover that your life does not have to be the grind of a mundane routine, but an epic, a miracle, a profound and wondrous journey. 

Every story has a hero. Through my method of embodied story-telling you will awaken as the highest form of your Self, and alchemize all that does not serve you.

With your phenomenal personal power awakened, you can transform your life, and

  • heal from chronic pain  and master your energy

  • Conquer stress, anxiety, depression, and fear

  • act out your purpose and direction, 

  • get out of debt and find work that you love, 

  • find your ideal partner and have a love life that you deserve. 

You absolutely are meant for more. I want you to awaken to a dream life better than you could ever imagine.